My name is Tatyana. I've been saved for 10 years by now. I am a member of a Messianic Jewish Congregation. Though I am not a Jew, I love Israel and Jewish nation. Actually, my religious philosophy is messianic gentile. I want to get to know the Lord more as well as myself. Though, I am quite an adult, I realize that I live by His mercy and grace. I want to bring pleasure to God and not discourage Him, to know Him, and to reflect His glory and character. If my relationship with Him is good, then other things flow out of that!My undestanding of life is as follows: "I am created to be glorious within and to reflect God's glory. I am created to love the Lord my God, with all of my heart, with all of my soul and with all of my mind. I am created to love myself and loving my neighbors, to walk in all of God's ways, to keep His commandments, to cleave unto Him and to serve Him. Whatever I do I do it all for the glory of the Lord. I live to know God, the power of Christ's resurrection, becoming like Him in His image and likeness" I am artistic, conservative and open-minded, intellectual, practical, sensitive, serious, plain, optimistic, creative, good listener, supportive, thoughtful, beautiful and deep, with a sense of humor, smart, understanding, wise.
My hobby is photographing. Also, I like to dance, listen to the music – messianic, Jewish, instrumental. Playing UNO. Camping, picnics. Reading books. Favourite movies are Lord of the Rings, William - Brave Heart, Ushpizin, Fiddler on the Roof, Quo Vadis, Shindler's List. Listening to interestings sermons or shiurims. Studying Scriptures from a Jewish viewpoint. Fitness. Make-up. Health. Hebrew language. Interesting peple. New skills. Art and crafts. Encouraging people. Humor and jokes