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Joined: May 30, 2009
Posts: 387
Posted: Post subject: can the two coexist with ethical intergrity |
I have to wonder and the reason I say this is because my family has already been made to suffer at the hands of what we believed to be a christian company.It is even promoted as being owned and run by christians.I have to wonder about this when a christian working there is fired under a cover of deceit while a satanist is promoted.Make no mistakes about it,this young woman even has the tattoo of the circle pentagram on the back of her neck.She will tell you when you ask her that she practices white witchcraft.ok huh,see wolves in sheeps clothing right under our noses.On the outside she seems mild-mannered and shy and polite.Inside she smokes pot,has S-- for promotions at work and chants over herbs she mixes together.This company is called sykes and it is a call-center.There is witchcraft running all through the company in south carolina at least that I am very sure of and there is more then one company of it in sc.God is in control and I know he will close this company down because I know he will not allow these people to use him to decieve people like this.It is really heartbreaking because of the way they proclaim their christian standing.When you visit their webpage and click on'about the company',one of the first things mentioned is that it is owned and operated by christians.Why would they use Jesus like that?Don't they know how much they are hurting him?I mean they have people teaching classes that are clearly rasict and try to bully the race they hate.This is a major player within this technology realm so why this farce? ........I also know of companies claiming to help people build homes that are proclaiming they are christian only to take as much as they can from you to line their pockets while not even caring if the one they just stepped on was christian or not.This company is a manufactured home builder.I don't understand the motive behind this.I mean the christians have been and still are taking hits left and right so why use the name?I don't see how it benefits them.Unless the name does hold power and influence.Well that would certainly explain their motive.They don't truly believe in him but they believe there is something to the name.....The timothy plan is promoted by TBN as a safe place for christians to invest money.Really?Are we sure about that?I'm not a hundred percent sure about this one but it isn't looking good so far.How long do these people think they are going to get away with this?How long till God says 'thats enough'.?When my family was affected by that sykes company,it totally devastated the person because they knew they had been let go under a rouge.You see when you know that you know then nothing someone tells you opposite of that is going to take root in you.The enemy was allowed to come in and steal from them but I know it will be made to be brought back.I keep looking and listening for the news of these companies going belly-up because I know it's .I don't wish or hope for their destruction but yet I know they can't use him to deceive people and to manipulate them into signing papers that benefit only them.Jesus is Lord all day,every day and he won't be mocked.Can I ask you a question please about TBN?I know you have seen the advertisement for the elderly folks and a trust plan or estate planning or however it is listed.How many folks are going to put people in their will that they have never met or had a conversation with?Is this arrogance or deception or manipulation?I pray the Lord returns soon.
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`I began reading in the word after writing this and it was as if the good Lord himself answered my question.This is where I was lead to read.In John ch.10 verse 1 says'Most assuredly I say to you,he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs up some other way,the same is a thief and a robber.' Isn't God amazing?His words are powerful and true.They edify,correct and heal.ptl
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`let me add an update with my thoughts on this matter more.I am very sorry if it seems as if I am judging others because I'm not and I can't.I have made mistakes and I beat myself up so much for each and every one of them.Yet I still make them.I try so hard not to grieve the holy spirit and it is work for me at times.I guess it is so for alot of folks huh?Well as we all know so well there is noone perfect except Jesus our Lord.I will continue to strive to be more like him and only through him to I expect to come close.What I was speaking of in the afore post was when we do this on a continuing basic working knowledge that we are indeed doing this.I know that the holy spirit must deal with you,as he does me,when I make such mistakes so just pray for your band sisters in the body of christ and please pray for me.gbu all
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Joined: October 4, 2012
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Posted: Post subject: Christian businesses |
Is it possible for a Christian business to succeed in its bottom line and its principles? Yes, of course it is. Many Christian business throughout the ages have been financially successful and successful at maintaining the integrity and principles held to Christians by God.
I think perhaps you came across a company that has grown so much that perhaps a branch has lost its way. The company Sykes has become international. It does not excuse it for any unsavory practices or occurrences but I imagine it very difficult for an international business to do quality control on all of its affiliates in such a manner that every aspect of its Christian integrity is always maintained. Sometimes, the clients must let the higher up management know what is going on with local branches and affiliates before those things can be handled in a more timely manner.
As Christians we shouldn't be quick to judge. We should pray for those who spitefully use us. We should remember that the same God that has had patience with us can work on others also.
Are there businesses that are operating under the banner of Christianity that are not likely Christian? Yes. We should be aware of this and leave them alone. Are there good truly Christian businesses we should support? Yes.
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