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Biblical poetry

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June 6, 2011
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The original is less than a third the length & I sing it to a mix of
John Browns body & stand up for Jesus which adds to the humor
A Godly Jewish lady without children,yet of advancing years,Doubtless
often sad,at times reduced to tears,Whose name is not recorded,but of
Manoah she was wife,
But an Angel appeared with the joyous news,she would bear a brand new life,
Jehovah has declared that no razor must touch his head,A Nazarite to
the Lord from birth till he was dead,So in due time as promised the
happy birth date came,
A bonnie bouncing baby boy arrived & YES SAMSON WAS HIS NAME,
The Jews at the time were dominated by the heathen Philistine,
Who treated them harshly & cruelly & made them sadly pine,
They were an idolatrous & barbaric neighboring enemy,
But God was preparing a man to begin the task,of setting his people free,
He may not have looked much different to many men of that day,
But when the Spirit of God moved him,STAND NOT IN HIS WAY,
Yes,Samson was Gods Muscleman His enemies all forlorn,
Setting fire to foxes tails & burning all their corn,
Not rabbits,they were foxes & the fox fights tooth & nail,
But no worries for Mr.Muscle he calmly tied them tail to tail,
I doubt that he received a scratch,our hero could not fail.
In pairs he tied 300 into the fields they then set sail,
Those razor sharp fangs,that vicious snarl,did naught to weaken his morale,
They howled they screamed they bolted in full & terrified tilt,
Did he feel remorse,regret?No not the slightest guilt,
Then when he set those long dry bushy tails alight,
They all freaked out & bolted in panic pain & fright,
Like a cavemans torch their tails ablaze they raged around among the maize,
The sky was quickly filled with smoke,The horizon somewhat hazy,
As sadly & madly they tore on confused & completely crazy,
There were doubtless tears in many a Philistine eye,
Beholding with desperation their diminished food supply,
It made them so frustrated & irritated but to also sadly mourn ,
Consuming vineyards & olivegroves as well as all that corn,
For crimes against humanity they now were made to pay,
But they never would have dreamed such depression,such dismay,
Its Hard to believe & understand,Even harder to explain,
How one man could cause such grief & loss,Could inflict such deep pain,
But with superhuman strength from God he just treated them with disdain,
So their fury & frustration they just could not contain,.
But now we needs retrace our steps,To see how it all began,
& marvel at How creative & ingenious was Jehovahs plan,
He married a Philistine woman,head over heels in love,
His parents remonstrated with him,Unaware it was wisdom from above,
Being Gods amazing method,quite an intriguing way,
For the years of pain they gave they would at last begin to pay,
It was Gods plan & purpose,his divine inspired intuition,
To weaken by depriving them of such healthy natural nutrition,
At the week-long party he made with them a bet,
Asking a tricky riddle,Would they the answer get?
Out of the eater came forth good & tasty meat,
Out of the strong something healthy yet extremely sweet,
If they did he would give them 30 sets of fancy clothes,
If not they must find some,so the story goes,
Day & night they pestered then threatened his poor wife,
That she find out the answer or forfeit her own life,
She grizzled,mourned & plead with him,Wept on his shoulder sore,
It so wore down this mighty man,just cut him to the core,
What is stronger than a lion,Or more than honey sweet,
Having the difficult answer their conceit was now complete,
So yes they won the bet,but again had their fill,
When he strolled to a neighboring town 30 men to kill.
He didnt reveal just what criteria he used,
Or if any had a fleeting moment to him verbally abuse,
But there was just no way that he would ever pay,
or purchase those good clothes,
He just slowly sauntered about & did then & there dispose,
Of each & everyone that his wisdom somehow chose,
Not that he couldnt afford it but he refused to pay,
Calmly bumping of 30 guys on that very day,
Once when strolling down the track,to visit his future wife,
A fierce young lion sprang in attack,threatening his life,
But it was quite taken aback ,None else would have the strength or knack,
When without gloves just his bare hands,No time to consider plans,
(It found he had other plans),& received a deadly start,
When he easily tore, that mighty jaw,totally apart,
Thus Gods Spirit once again saved him from the slightest pain,
No other human would be able on a lion to turn the table,
Next time walking past the carcass that he did not burn or hide,
A swarm of bees had built a nest of sweet honey right inside,
He enjoyed some,scooping it up with one hand,
So thats how we know & understand if you had wondered or inquired,
Just how the riddle was planned,How it was inspired,
Then he visited a prostitute fully knowing it a sin,
They bolted the city gates with a chuckle & a grin,
The coot we have him now,Hes really sucked right in,
But he tore out the massive posts again they had their fill,
Finding them dropped & damaged atop the long steep hill,
For he arose before the break of dawn,& once again they were made to mourn,
Delilah under threat of death finally tore his secret out,
They were all so overjoyed they gave a whoop,a cheer a shout,
She like his wife before did her weeping womanly act,
His mighty arm was twisted to reveal the fact,
That no razor had touched his head,That was Jehovahs plan,
If his hair was cut he would weaken like any other man,
He slept on her lap so she cut that hair & called the soldiers in,
He shook himself to fight as before but now suffered for his sin,
Three times he had lied to her about the source of his great strength,
But her grizzling & tears got to him at length,
She realized he had finally told her all his heart,
So called the soldiers in to gladly do their part,
They cruelly poked out both his eyes & made him grind their corn,
now it was his time to be dejected & forlorn,
A feast was quickly planned,They just must celebrate,
kings princes nobles all were there & soldiers small & great,
Eating drinking partying long into the night,
Naught that he could do to battle or to fight,
Two massive pillars though supported all the roof,
& so he pleaded with the Lord,Please give me now the proof,
That it was you who gifted me with superhuman power,
Oh strengthen me just one more time for this crisis hour,
So he exerted all his might,The whole structure imploded down,
& in his death he killed far more while treated like a clown,
Than he had slaughtered in those 20yrs.that he had made them frown,
All the most powerful & influential,Or younger & with great potential,
Political,military leaders,economic & religious all were killed.
Doubtless making Davids task far easier to be fulfilled,
Just so to bring salvation,to set his people free,
God raises up delivers from folk like you & me,
He once chose young David who had his mighty men,
Even Gideon had 300 to rescue them back then,
Samson saved them by himself,like the sinless son of God,
Who came from heaven & on the cross shed his precious blood,
He wrought deliverance all alone Like Christ upon the tree,
Who through INTENDED weakness died to save a wretch like me

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