Joined: January 8, 2011
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: women: good morals: ages 18-21: Minneapolis, MN: ENTER |
is there any woman out there on this planet that has true good morals!? here's my test. if everything stated below applies to you, or you agree with, or believe in, please email me because i would like to meet you.
believes Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord above.
actually tries to follow God's laws and put's Him in the center of your life.
puts Christ first and lays up no treasures on earth, but in heaven alone.
believes and understands what modesty is and actually shows it.
believes and understands what abstinence is. (no S-- before marriage).
has to be mature.
has no tattoos.
has no piercings. (i can tolerate the ears, but all are pointless to me)
doesn't drink.
doesn't smoke.
doesn't do drugs.
against abortion in any situation.
completely honest with me. i mean the word "completely" to the fullest.