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why we need to recognize his mercy in everything

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

PostPosted:     Post subject: why we need to recognize his mercy in everything
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I,like others,have been watching"americas got talent"and to my dismay I have seen a young man using pole dancing as his talent and america rallying behind him.This activity was set for the back allies and was used by women to entertain men who in turn gave them money by way of their strings around their waists.If this is what we as americans call talent then imo we as americans need God everrmore.This young man parades around in high heels that make me grimace in pain.We are sodom and gomorrahe all over now.I can't believe that we haven't been utterly consumed but as I learn more about his mercy I can only say thank you Father for your mercy and it truly does endure forever.gbu all

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: why we need to recognize his mercy in everything

southernfinery wrote: I,like others,have been watching"americas got talent"and to my dismay I have seen a young man using pole dancing as his talent and america rallying behind him.This activity was set for the back allies and was used by women to entertain men who in turn gave them money by way of their strings around their waists.If this is what we as americans call talent then imo we as americans need God everrmore.This young man parades around in high heels that make me grimace in pain.We are sodom and gomorrahe all over now.I can't believe that we haven't been utterly consumed but as I learn more about his mercy I can only say thank you Father for your mercy and it truly does endure forever.gbu all

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November 24, 2012
Posts: 6

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`southernfinery I was reading another post on the creation of Mankind. What you are seeing is the creation of the Father in gen ch1, the creation of the Spirit. In ch 2 what you are seeing is the creation of the flesh by the Lord God the creator of all flesh. The understanding is a part of the gospel of Christ the teaching of the kingdom of God. If you are interested there is alot more I can show you about the kingdom. Do you have a kj bible rev ch 22 v 20 21. Why the difference in the names the Lord Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ? Interested rev ch 3 v 1 sayeth he that hath the seven spirits of God. Who is that? The Lord Jesus. Hes in the world every day. Christ is at the throne of the Lord God the guy from gen. ch 2. David If you want to more really cool stuff let me know? David PS must be KJ bible NIV dropped the name of Christ They did not know the teaching of the kingdom of God i do if you are interested.

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