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True love

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So, there you are. Sitting, standing, or lying down in your thoughtful disposition. You have come to this moment now to see a new thread, a new posting, a new idea, another mind sharing something that might be a key to your own fulfillment. Maybe just curiosity, a hidden longing, want, need, or intimate desire. The reasons for each person -as to why they came to be here now- is perhaps different for the each of us. For even though I am here writing this to you now, I too, have come to be here now. The reasons we think we are here may very well not have anything to do with why we think we are here. It’s a possibility that what is planned for us by destiny, is something different than what we ourselves intended. Some of us are plagued by a loneliness that nothing seems to fix or heal. We find ourselves catastrophically bent o’er the altar of self, as if we were pleading with our own hearts for friendship, peace, contentment, and even love. There are even some of us who have become so discouraged that we entertain ‘profile-deletion’. Yet, for some reason we hold on just a bit longer in hopes of maybe that next person holds the key to our deepest longings. Maybe though, it’s not loneliness for you. Maybe it is something different. I am certain that if you are reading this, then you are on the right path. Does this mean that all of those people who never see this are on the wrong path-?-no, not at all. They too, may be on the right path. It’s just that I need to know that I have done my best to encourage you to not give up hope of that which you desire most. Sometimes, it is in fact easier than others, to just shake off a bad feeling, depressive thought, and/or negative vibe. Not only are we complex beings, that identify ourselves as humans, we do seek a certain level of individuality. It is very easy for those of us who are deep thinkers, or emotionally sensitive, to start sensing as if we are struggling for someone to notice us, praise us, comfort us, or even just recognize us… that we too exist. Our wounds vary from person to person. Some of us are wound-free, and others are still haunted by a pain that dealt a blow that has never been forgotten. We all make mistakes, as we are learning to grow and become the completeness of our own maturity and growth. Sometimes we may not always know what to say, or how to say it. Should I be direct-? Should I be evasive-? Should I say I love you now or later-? I may not love you, though. Yet I would say that I do that I may hear those words coming from my own heart once again. Or maybe I really do love you, yet I am afraid that I will scare you away, because I sense your own pain and fears. Maybe though, I have never known love, or what it feels like. So, how would I know it, when I feel it, or see it-? These are but a few of the questions we have within ourselves. Some spoken, some kept silent. Despite the agony that may be within you, that torment that runs through your veins faster than the flow of your own blood, please do not give up and/or lose sight of hope. No matter what the level and/or degree of your suffering, I believe that you will find what matters most to you. It just may not come in the package that you expected or imagined. Maybe our expectations keep us from seeing the blessings right before us. Maybe our own prejudices are so deep, that we miss out on fulfillment, due to our narrow-minded views, and/or perceptions. Maybe we have it so together that we refuse to accept anyone or anything that appears to fall short of our own growth level. The reasons for fears, hesitation, procrastination, and feeling as if we are frozen at times, are many. And it changes for the each of us. Yet, though we all may experience similar emotions, and similar thoughts, we are all truly unique beings. Some of us are wealthy. Some of us are barely financially surviving. And some of us are so broke, we long for something more, while wondering how we are going to afford that next payment. I am not going to tell you that by the wave of a wand all things will magically become fixed over night. I will, though, tell you that I myself have feelings and thoughts that are not always as pleasant as I would like them to be. Maybe it’s the same for you, too. However, by choice, I pick myself back up and choose to move onward and upward into the promise of tomorrow. Please be encouraged by what I am saying to you here. I do not nor ever have claimed to have all the answers. What little I do think to know, though, gives me the strength to carry on in a world where times can be very discouraging; if we allow our minds to make it as such. Some of us reach to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Some of us reach for that quick fix to enable us to find a moment or more of pleasure in a world where we may be feeling a complete loss of some sorts. And I am not here to cast judgments upon any of you. I fall short of my own expectations daily. Yet, it is what I choose to do with those falls and failures that make me able to speak to you about it here, now. We all are here for varying reasons. For the most part maybe it truly is looking for love, that our heart may for the first time, or once again, feel completed. All I know for certain is that we are all here, right now, because what we are seeking involves other people. So, if you have been feeling discouraged, in any way whatsoever, please take a strong hold of that feeling and push it out of your mind and heart. There is a time, wherein your great moment will come. And therein, all of this will be a fading memory. For now, though, please take comfort in these words of which I have typed to you. This too shall pass away. All my love, and upmost respect to the each of you.

If I am not willing to die for you, then how can I possibly ever live for you...
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