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Being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect

Why when a person says they are a Christian do other people start to think you said you're perfect? No where in the definition of the word Christian does it say this. I have many flaws and many faults. Some I know and some I don't. No one is perfect or we wouldn't need forgiveness nor would there be wars.

I find it heart breaking how very many times I have to explain to people I'm not perfect. Yes I'm a Christian and try to be good and do good. But I'm not able to be 100%. No matter how hard I try I would and could never be 100%. Should I too be nailed to the cross for mistakes? Treated poorly because, wow in my past I did something I forgot about? I have noticed temperaments online tend to be a lot shorter than in real life. No one would so rudely to my face go off about anything. But online where sitting behind a screen hiding from the world, it's easy to say what one wouldn't have the guts to any place else.

Being a Christian at least by today's terms means, following the teachings of Christ. Doesn't say "Perfect" or "Trying to be perfect." or "God like". So yes, I will do things wrong. Yes I sin, and continue to sin. This is why I pray and ask God not only for forgiveness, but strength and guidance to not keep on sinning.
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former member default image - bird flying away

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August 9, 2008
Posts: 1

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.Quite Right infact being a christian is an indication that you are not perfect Christians are people who come to christ to cofess their sins the only perfect Christian was CHRIST himself
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Being a Christian bares certain feelings of being set apart from this World so, I have felt this so often that it seems as if it is to make me regret confessing I am a Christian. I decided to let them know that Mercy is what made me perfect not me. I have not giving any testomonies to anyone but, I feel that this is changing daily for me. I believe that the answer to the response is as good as just leaving it alone. (Be glad you are perfect in Christ, You are important....You believe in the one who sent Christ and you believe in him that was sent for your sins). God Bless HisMercy

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`That just means that your not delusional. LOL And it seams you have the unique opportunity to witness. God Bless

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