seleta399_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: 8/10/08 Sunday Sermon Christianity is NOT a Drive Thru..... |
**Christianity is Not a Drive Thru, Its a journey**
Drive Thru: Now, My Way Always.
journey: Takes Time, its a Process in Life, we are to Take it All In.
Romans 12:2 Don't be conformed to the world's culture but be transformed by the renewing of the mind.
The "Me" Church:
Its all about me, its my time, its my tithe money, its my life, its all about me. People don't tithe cause they think its all their money or they just "tip" God once in a while.
Mark 9:35-35 Jesus said if anyone wants to be first he should be last and a servant to all. Philippians 2:4 Each of us should look not only to our own interests but also on other people's interests too.
II Corinthians 11:14 Satan masquerades as angel of light and makes
us think that its okay to just look out for ourselves. He says to just take care of ourselves cause others don't like us anyway. Satan is very subtle in his dealings with us and the "all about me" thinking.
Remaining "Drive- thru" becomes lonely. God created us to receive the love of God and then to give out His love to others. When we don't give it out we are just like a unmoving river. Algae begins to grow in us. Looking out for our own interests will also cause inward decay. When we look beyond ourselves to what we can give to others, we are blessed. We find joy in the relationship. We need to value people and value what they value. We "Naturally Drift" toward Me. We feel we have the right to happiness "our" way.
***For Us NOT to Drift:
a) We have to continually have a encounter with God. We need to consistently come before God on a regular basis. In our encounter with God, He lets us know he loves us and we can live God's way. He will change our lives and then the selfishness will just peel off. Its God who changes us Not ourselves.
b) We need to have a revelation of the Bigness of whats at stake.
We need to see that our family, friends, city, state, country and world needs God. This revelation makes us quit thinking about us and we begin living for Jesus. We will surrender our hearts and emotions to God. We need to go in Faith and stop being intellectual and trying to figure out God.
****DO THIS WEEK.........
Ask ourselves have we gone Drive -thru, is it now and my way? If we find this to be true then we need to ask God for an encounter with Him so we can move beyond ourselves.