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8/3/08 Sunday Sermon: This Little Light of Mine....

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8/3/08 Sunday Sermon: This Little Light of Mine, I'm Going to Let It Shine!
Matthew 5:13-16 We are the Salt of the Earth....
Let Our Light Shine Before Men....

**Our faith in God should not be private! Our walk with God should be personal but NEVER a private relationship. We should have a Public Faith. CHRISTIANITY IS TO BE PUBLIC !! We should light up for God like Las Vegas lights up for sinners!! Our faith is to be public for Jesus so we can help bring people to the Lord. Where are YOU at? Do you want your Christianity to be Public or Private?

***To Go Public with Our Faith***

1) We Need to Feel the Burden: This burden is to share the gospel and help save souls. Matthew 9:35-38 Jesus had compassion for the people he was among. He saw they needed His leadership. Do we have Jesus's burden for the people lost in sin? We need to feel the burden. Feeling the burden leads to ACTION and we begin NOT to care what people think. We are burdened to help save souls from going to Hell.

2) Its Everyones Opportunity: We sometimes tend to feel we can't make a difference. This is wrong. Ephesian 4:11-12 The gift to reach lost people is given to the Body of Christ. Whether we can do a lot of leading to Christ or are just planting little seeds, we are ALL a Tool. We are a Tool for the Lord to lead others to Salvation. We should not limit ourselves because we all have the opportunity to be used as a tool for Jesus. We can make a difference in people's lives. It's our job to invite them to accept Jesus. If they accept us or turn us down, we have done our job.

3) Let Our Light Shine Before Men: Be an encouragement. Be nice, sweet and help them answer any biblial questions. Give them the biblical tools: scripture, concordance etc to find their answers.

4) Invest Time and Invite folk to Church: We need to take more time in inviting people around us to visit our church. Once they enter the church doors, God WILL take over!

5) Pray for Opportunities: Ask God to give us opportunities to tell folk about Jesus. When to share a scripture and encourage folk to take their troubles to Jesus. Pray for the opportunities to just share the Love of Jesus.

We should never use the excuse that we are only one person. Don't say it doesn't matter whether we witness or not. Don't say what difference can one person make.................... .
................ (one person)
........... (two people)
.......... (three people)
.......... (more and more people)

Its Judgement Day:
Young lady is going to Hell because her school classmates and co-workers never told her about Jesus. She cries out to her friends who never told her about Jesus. But it is now TOO LATE.

**Do you want your Christianity to be Public or Private???


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December 3, 2011
Posts: 12

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`Good post, another 'former' member.

Wonder where all the Christians went.

It's been 3 years and 4 months since you made this post.

It's apparent what the answer is. :(

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