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"The Christian Flag"

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former member default image - bird flying away

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"The Christian Flag"

Words by Fanny Crosby, 1903.
Music by R. Huntington Woodman

The Christian Flag! behold it,
And hail it with a song,
And let the voice of millions
The joyful strain prolong,
To every clime and nation,
We send it forth today;
God speed its glorious mission,
With earnest hearts we pray.


The Christian Flag! behold it,
And hail it with a song,
And let the voice of millions
The joyful strain prolong.

The Christian Flag! unfurl it,
That all the world may see
The bloodstained cross of Jesus,
Who died to make us free.
The Christian Flag! unfurl it,
And oer and oer again,
Oh! may it bear the message,
Good will and peace to men.


The Christian Flag! God bless it!
Now throw it to the breeze,
And may it wave triumphant
Oer land and distant seas,
Till all the wide creation
Upon its folds shall gaze,
And all the world united,
Our loving Savior praise.


The Christian flag is the only free flag in the world. It is different from every other flag, religious or secular, ancient or modern. It is uncontrolled, independent, and universal. Unlike all national flags and all denominational flags of various churches, it has no earthly bonds or allegiances. Christ and Christ alone is its Master. Without limitation, it exists for all the world's people regardless of sex, race, national boundary, economic condition, affluence, or poverty, politics, slavery or freedom. It cannot be restricted by any nation or denomination. This unique, universal quality makes it like the air we breathe, belonging to all and yet owned by none. For those who want it, wherever and whenever, it is freely theirs.

The Christian flag is one of the oldest unchanged flags in the world. It was conceived at Brighton Chapel, Coney Island, New York, Sunday, September 26, 1897, and was presented in its present form the following Sunday by its originator. Call it chance, or providence, serendipity, or the plan of God, on that day, the Christian flag was born.

The white on the flag represents purity and peace. The blue stands for faithfulness, truth, and sincerity. Red, of course, is the color of sacrifice, in this case calling to mind the blood shed by Christ on Calvary, represented by the cross.

The first pledge to the Christian flag was written by Methodist pastor Lynn Harold Hough in 1908.

Below are the 4 variations of the pledge I have found on google.

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One brotherhood, uniting all true Christians, in service and love."

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One brotherhood, uniting all mankind, in service and love."

"We pledge Allegiance to the christian flag and to the Saviour whose kingdom it stands. One Saviour, Crucified, Risen and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe."

"I pledge allegiance To the Christian Flag.And to the Savior,For whose Kingdom it stands. One brotherhood uniting all Christians in service and love."

Some 244,000 churches display one or more Christian flags in their sanctuaries and classrooms.

The Christian flag is the only free flag in the world. It is different from every other flag, religious or secular, ancient or modern. It is uncontrolled, independent, and universal. Unlike all national flags and all denominational flags of various churches, it has no earthly bonds or allegiances. Christ and Christ alone is its Master. Without limitation, it exists for all the world's people regardless of sex, race, national boundary, economic condition, affluence, or poverty, politics, slavery or freedom. It cannot be restricted by any nation or denomination. This unique, universal quality makes it like the air we breathe, belonging to all and yet
owned by none. For those who want it, wherever and whenever, it is freely theirs.

The Bill of Rights, Article 1, The Constitution of the United States:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

The United States Navy:
During the Service of Divine Worship led by the Fleet Chaplain, a triangular Pennant of White with a blue Latin Cross is flown at the masthead above the American flag.

The State of California:
Excerpted from Stars, Stripes and Statues, National Flag Foundation, p. 66, item 2. No flag or pennant shall be placed above, or if on the same level, to the right of, the United States flag, except flags flown during church services. (Bold type and italics added)

1.When the Christian flag is on the floor level, the Christian flag is placed to the right, front, of the congregation and outside of the communion railing.

2.When the Christian flag is placed within the chancel, communion railing or choir loft, the Christian flag is placed to the right side of the altar, of the clergymen, and of the choir as they face the congregation.

3.When the Christian flag is displayed with the American flag and/or other flags:

The American flag and/or other flags may be placed symmetrically on the opposite side of the sanctuary and on the same level as the Christian flag.
If desired, it is also proper to place the Christian and national flags side-by-side wherever stationed in the church, thus symbolizing both the spiritual and patriotic loyalties of the congregation.
When the flags are placed side-by-side, the Christian flag is always stationed on the right of all other flags.
The Christian flag never dips to any other flag. It may properly dip to the altar Cross.

Let the Christian flag be known and honored for what it truly is. Let it be correctly displayed with boldness and pride. Let its colors, Cross and symbolism lift high an expression to the name which is forever above every name, the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.Oh....Fanny Crosby, beautiful songs, she truley had a gift from God. I had never heard of her until I went to a Baptist church in Fairbanks Alaska, I just love her songs, and the fact that she was blind did not hold her back from loving the Lord!
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